If you are looking for reliable and experienced Scorpion Removal services in Scottsdale, AZ then
A Bee & Pest Pro can help! Call today at
480-694-8994 or 602-331-0800.
If you are searching for Scorpion Pest Control, Scorpion Removal or Scorpion Extermination in North or South Scottsdale, A Bee & Pest Pro can help!
A BEE & PEST PRO is #1 for Scorpion Control, Extermination and Removal in Scottsdale, Arizona. Get a free Scorpion pest control estimate in Scottsdale by giving us a call today at (480) 694-8994.
- Arizona Bark Scorpion Removal & Extermination
- Giant Hairy Scorpion Removal & Extermination
- Stripe Back Scorpion Removal & Extermination
- Emperor Scorpion Removal & Extermination

A BEE & PEST PRO offers you the best scorpion pest control services in North & South Scottsdale! We are so confident in our methods because we’ve had years of experience removing scorpions from residential and commercial properties in the Scottsdale Arizona area. Join 1,000’s of Satisfied customers living and working free of scorpions!
A BEE & PEST PRO will find your scorpion infestation and work with you to solve the problem. Our experts hand collect live scorpions while scanning your the outside of your home looking for habitats and other issues that may contribute to scorpion presence.
Worried about walking around your home at night because of scorpions?
Are you afraid of your children or family members getting stung by scorpions?
Wondering where the scorpions hide around your business, home or yard?
RUMOR HAS IT THAT scorpions cannot be exterminated or controlled! **NOT TRUE** Proper scorpion control treatment & scorpion home sealing from A Bee & Pest Pro will help take those worries away for good! Don’t live in fear of scorpions or take the risk of you or your family being stung, call our scorpion exterminators today.
Scorpion Pest Control Process
Whether you have hundreds of scorpions lingering around your home or just a single one, our scorpion control methods are effective at keeping scorpions out of your home and yard. First, A BEE & PEST PRO conducts a Scorpion Audit. This allows us to find your scorpion infestation and recommend a treatment plan to solve the problem. Second, we setup weekly, bi-weekly or monthly scorpion control plans to manage your scorpion population. Some residential and commercial properties will have many entry sources and require consistent management to keep scorpions from re-entering their property.
Step 1
Locate Scorpion Infestation:
- Inspect the property for scorpion activity
- Locating scorpion infestation, problem areas and hiding places
- Manage scorpion and their food sources such crickets, spiders and other small insects
- Setup Weekly, Bi-Weekly, Monthly or (EOM) every other month scorpion extermination plans
- Best time to search 1-2 hours after sunset
Step 2
Scorpion Removal:
- Removal of scorpion habitat
- Physically removing live scorpions
- Scorpion UV black light search 1-2 ours after sunset
- Relocating the scorpions to a more habitable location
- Terminate scorpions on the spot
Step 3
Scorpion Home Sealing:
- Thorough evaluation and scorpion sealing of the home
- Sealing all entry points, holes, cracks and crevices from re-entry
- Removing harborages, woodpiles, leaves, debris or anything stored and rubbing against the home
- Sealing out access to all types of unwanted pests (scorpions, bees, and rodents)
General Scorpion Information
- There are several types of scorpions in Arizona.
- Identified by their distinctive anatomy.
- Scorpions have two crab like pinchers, an elongated body and a segmented tail that arches over their body, tipped with a venomous stinger.
- Scorpion species vary in size from ½ to 2 inchesand baby scorpions usually measure about ¼ inch.
- Scorpions have poor vision and prey is located primarily by sensing vibrations.
- The scorpion flattens its body into cracks as thin as a credit card allowing it to enter windows, doors, and any crack or crevice.
- Scorpions are most active at night when temperatures are 75 degrees and above.
- Scorpion stings are comparable to a bee or wasp with localized swelling and pain.
Exception: The Arizona bark scorpion’s venom is strong enough to kill a person, although death is rare.
Always BE AWARE Of Your Surroundings.
- Avoid walking barefoot at night
- Wear shoes outdoors around pool and hot tub
- Check patio sitting areas
- Check bedding and sheets
- Shake out shoes and clothing before wearing
- Scorpion stings are more DANGEROUS to the very young and elderly
- Pets are also at risk (even cats)
Types Of Scorpions In Arizona
Here are the different types of scorpions and how to indentify the type of scorpions in your home by using our scorpion identification chart.
ARIZONA Bark Scorpion
Bark Scorpion Sting:
- Very Venomous
- Wash with soap and water then apply a cold compress
- Apply a cold compress. Do Not Ice Sting Directly
- Extremely painful
The Arizona Bark Scorpion is known for their Ability to climb, found on walls, ceilings, palm trees, under rocks, woodpiles, dark moist areas, small cracks and crevices.
Giant Hairy Scorpion
Giant Hairy Scorpion Features:
- 4 to 6 inches long
- Sting Painful (Bee or Wasp sting)
- Usually not dangerous
- Burrow into the ground 6 to 8 inches deep
- Scorpions vary in color between yellow-brown, light tan, reddish brown, and black. Under a black light (ultraviolet light), Scorpions glow a bright florescent green.
Stripe Back Scorpion
Stripe Back Scorpion Features:
- Non-poisonous
- Two brownish-tan stripes on both sides extending the length of the body
- This species is found in the southern United States
Emperor Scorpion (Pandinus Imperator)
Emperor Scorpion Features:
The Emperor Scorpion, or the Imperial Scorpion, as many call it has terrified people for centuries. It is not just the knowledge that it’s venomous but also its larger-than-normal size that frightens any who see it. It should come as a relief, therefore, that not everything is what it looks, and the venom of this particular breed of scorpion is not as potent as many other smaller species. Due to its large size, getting stung by one is still going to be an enormously painful experience. Read More About Emperor Scorpions here.
Scorpion Sting Symptoms include:
- Immediate Pain
- Burning
- Followed by numbness
- Little Swelling
- Sensitive to touch
- Tingling extremities
- Blurry vision
- Twitching
- Metallic taste
- Difficulty breathing
If an allergic reaction occurs, call poison control, personal physician or 911 immediately!
Why Do Scorpions Glow In The Dark?
All scorpions glow in the dark-even after death, even fossilized! A thin, transparent film (hyaline) in the outermost layer (cuticle) of their exoskeleton contains a protein that fluoresces. At night in the Arizona desert, you can see scorpions within a 20-foot radius by shining a black light (ultraviolet light) around. They glow green-yellow or bright florescent green. Newly molted (babies) scorpions don’t fluoresce. As the cuticle hardens, it glows more.
Fluorescence, however, is not really ‘glowing in the dark’ in the sense of emitting light on their own, without (ultraviolet) illumination, like fireflies or light sticks. They don’t actually glow in the dark. They do, however, fluoresce in black light (ultraviolet light) meaning that if you shine ultraviolet light on a scorpion (dead or alive!) then they will emit a fluorescent green glow. Even after hundreds of millions of years, after all other cuticle layers are lost, the hyaline layer remains, fossilized in rocks, the scorpion still glows.

More Scorpion Related Content
View our other related scorpion posts here.
What Does A Scorpion Sting Feel Like?
Different Types Of Scorpions (Identification Guide)
Receive A Free Scorpion Control Estimate In North or South Scottsdale
For professional scorpion control services in North Scottsdale or South Scottsdale, call us at 480-694-8994 or 602-331-0800.

A Bee & Pest Pro is a Professional exterminating company, Scottsdale pest control, Scorpion prevention, Rodent removal. A Bee & Pest Pro provides monthly pest control services and emergency bee removal in the following zip codes:
SCOTTSDALE, AZ – 85255, 85262, 85266, 85260, 85259, 85258, 85054
NORTH PHOENIX, AZ – 85050, 85054, 85018
CAREFREE, AZ – 85377
CAVE CREEK, AZ – 85331
A Bee & Pest Pro is a Professional exterminating company in Scottsdale AZ. A Bee & Pest Pro provides monthly pest control services and emergency bee removal in Scottsdale Arizona.
E Raintree Drive
Scottsdale, AZ 85255
Jason Henderson
Owner/ Operator