If you are looking for reliable and experienced Bee Removal services in Scottsdale, AZ then
A Bee & Pest Pro can help! Call today at
480-694-8994 or 602-331-0800.
Bee Removal Services In Scottsdale & Paradise Valley
We offer affordable Bee Removal in North & South Scottsdale & Paradise Valley, Arizona. A Bee & Pest Pro has the bee control experience to handle all types of bee & wasp removals, including:
- Bee Removal
- Africanized Bee Removal
- Honey Bee Removal
- Wasp Removal
- Yellow Jacket Removal
- Hornet Removal
- Bumble Bee Removal
- Carpenter Bee Removal
We have even faced dangerous encounters with both small and extremely large bee colony removals of Africanized (Killer Bees), and European wild honeybee swarms right here in the valley of the sun.

We offer complete Bee Removal, Control, and Bee Hive Removal in Scottsdale, Arizona.
We even offer same day bee removal! Call today for an estimate: 480-694-8994 or 602-331-0800.
About Our Bee Removal Company
A Bee & Pest Pro is a professional pest control and pest management company providing: Bee Removal, African Bee Exterminating, Bee Hive Removal and Monthly Pest Control serving Scottsdale, North Scottsdale, Carefree, Cave Creek and Paradise Valley, Arizona.
We are experts in residential beehive & colony removals. Bee colonies established for longer than 30 days usually will need a Honeycomb removal. This will help prevent future colonies from returning to the same location, which will save you time and money.
Without performing a honeycomb removal, future bee colonies have the potential to re-build in the same location due to familiar scents and honeycomb debris in the area. Multiple colonizations can cause greater damage, and can result in possibly having to replace sheet rock, carpets, siding and attracting other unwanted insects.
What Is The Difference Between Honey Bees & Africanized Killer Bees In Arizona?
Africanized honeybees are similar to the European honeybees in appearance but not in behavior. They are very protective of their colony, and more of them will sting during an attack.
Africanized bees can sense a threat from people and animals from 50 feet or more away; they can sense vibration and noise from power equipment as far as 100 feet from their colony. Remember, bees are only protecting their colony and the area around it. Africanized bees will pursue an enemy up to 1/4 mile or more.
Africanized bees swarm more frequently to establish new colonies and will move their entire colony readily if food is scarce.
Honey Bees Vs. Africanized Killer Bees | Similarities:
Standard bees and killer bees have the same appearance. Both bees will sting in defense of themselves or their colony sting only once before dying Africanized honeybees and European honeybees have the same venom Both bees can pollinate flowers, produce honey and make wax Killer bees may seem docile at first. Keeping your distance will limit chances of an attack. Do not disturb or tease bees: no throwing rocks, spraying with water, pouring gasoline, burning bee colony or hive, trying to control bees with wasp spray or any aerosol pesticides. These will only set off an attack.Call a professional bee removal specialist to assist you in safely removing bees, bee hives, swarms or colonies.
What To Do If You Get Attacked By Bees
If you are attacked by bees:
LEAVE THE AREA QUICKLY, do not swat at the bees. COVER YOUR HEAD AND FACE. Use clothes to protect your eyes, ears and mouth from the bees.
SEEK SHELTER inside any enclosure such as a car, house, or other sealed building, where the bees cannot enter. Some bees may follow inside, possibly stinging you. STAY CALM!
DO NOT JUMP INTO WATER! Bees will wait above water for you to resurface, where they can sting your eyes, ears, nose and mouth while you swim or tread water.
Defensive reaction time:
After the colony is disturbed, Africanized killer bees will remain agitated for up to 8 hours or more.
European honeybees normally cease their defensive behavior after 1 to 2 hours.
First aid:
Remove the stinger quickly by scraping it with credit card, fingernail or a dull thin object; try to get under the stinger’s venom sack. Never grab the stinger to pull it out, this will only inject more venom into your skin.
It takes more than 10 stings per pound of body weight to cause serious illness to a human being. However, if you are allergic to bee stings, it may take only ONE sting for a life threatening reaction.
If you have been stung many times, or are showing signs of a mild allergic reaction: Call the Poison Control Center at (800) 362-0101 or (602) 253-3334.
For severe allergic reactions – Call 911
Bee Infestations
Other Bee infestations may include:
- Carpenter bees
- Small cavities
- Yellow jackets
- Paper wasps
- Hornets
Bee colonies may be located in:
- Small cavities
- Trees & Shrubs
- Sides of Buildings
- Roof & Eve Overhangs
- Crawl Spaces
Bee colonies may also be Located In:
- Block Walls
- Drain Pipes
- Water Meter & Value Boxes
- Appliances & Junk Piles
- Anything that makes them feel safe
Benefits Of Bee Removal
Here are some of the benefits of professional bee removal services:
- 24 Hour emergency bee removal Scottsdale and Paradise Valley, AZ
- Same day bee removal services throughout north Scottsdale and nearby cities
- Property Management and HOA common area services available
- Residential and Commercial bee removal in Arizona
- Affordable and competitive bee removal rates
- Get the job done right the first time
- Satisfaction Guaranteed
- Thirty day guarantee on all flying insect services: Bees, Wasps and Hornets

Receive A Free Bee Removal Estimate In Scottsdale or Paradise Valley
For professional Bee Removal Services in North Scottsdale, South Scottsdale or Paradise Valley, call us at 480-694-8994 or 602-331-0800.
We provide fast bee removal services in the following Scottsdale zip codes:
85331, 85262, 85266, 85255, 85054, 85254, 85260, 85259, 85268, 85258, 85253, 85250, 85018, 85251, 85008, 85257, 85281
For emergency bee removal in the zip codes for Carefree and Cave Creek:
85327, 85331, 85377
A Bee & Pest Pro is a Professional exterminating company in Scottsdale AZ. A Bee & Pest Pro provides monthly pest control services and emergency bee removal in Scottsdale Arizona.
E Raintree Drive
Scottsdale, AZ 85255
Jason Henderson
Owner/ Operator

Telephone No.480.694.8994