Not sure what kind of scorpion infestation you have? Compare it to the scorpion identification chart/diagram/key/pictures to see what type of scorpion you are dealing with. If you need assistance with removal of your scorpions call a scorpion removal company.
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The Emperor scorpion is one of the biggest scorpions in the entire world. These adults sometimes average 20 centimeters (7.9 inches) in length and weighing in at over 30 grams. One of the only scorpions that come in close to size is the forest scorpion. Read More About the Emperor Scorpion.

Red Claw Scorpions can sometimes be used as pets but people who have never owned them before should take this as a warning. Red claw scorpions are easily made aggressive and are not recommended for people who are beginer scorpion owners Their sting is reported to be the same intensity of a bee sting. Read More about the Red Claw Scorpion.

The Indian Red Scorpion is possible one of the most dangerous scorpions known to the public. It’s common to Pakistan, India and Nepal. This scorpion got its name because of its often orange/red body color. These scorpion are nocturnal arachnids usually praying on spiders, bugs and other types of insects. Read More about the Red Scorpion.

The Blue scorpion is also known as the “Alacran Azul” or “Blue Scorpion” when translated to the English language. It is also known as the slender brown scorpion, bark scorpion and brown bark scorpion. They are found in the US, Mexico, South America, Columbia, Ecuador, Cameroon, Gabon and Venezuela. Read More about the Blue Scorpion.

The Arizona bark scorpion is a small light colored brown scorpion that is common the southwest U.S. and the Sonoran Desert. Adult Male bark scorpions can reach up to 8 centimeters long (3.14 inches), however, a female is smaller with a length of 7 centimeters or (2.75 inches). Read more about the Arizona Bark Scorpion.
The Pseudo scorpion is usually 3-4mm long and has a rich mahogany color and has four pairs of legs that increase sequentially in length. It has eyes of both sides of its cephalothoraxes and has a 12-segment abdomen. The body kind of resembles a tear drop. The pedipalps, near the first pair of legs are about twice as long as the back of its legs. When extended they measure about 7-9mm. Read More about the Pseudoscorpion.

The forest scorpion usually resides in Malaysia and India. Its usually large, stocky and heavy. The color is black and they may grow up to 5 inches in length. They usually live under logs and rocks but occasionally tend to burrow themselves in the ground. The look pretty close to the emperor scorpion and are sometimes mistaken and sold as emperor scorpions in pet stores. The forest scorpion is much more aggressive than the emperor so be careful if you buy scorpions. Read More about the Forest Scorpion.

Tailless Whip Scorpion: The tailless whip scorpion, often called whip spiders) are referred to as amblypigids. They have been given there name because of there lack of a tail. Spiders, mites, daddy longlegs and other less known groups are their closes relative. Click here to see a diagram of the tailless whip spiders closes relatives. Read More about the Tailless Whip Scorpion.

Fat Tail Scorpion: The fat tail scorpion are small with a full grown adult size of 4in. The females are typically larger than the males and the tail on this scorpion is very thick and fat. That’s where the name comes from. This scorpion also has very strong venom and they don’t look like other species do. There color is kind of transparent and you could see through them. Read More about the Fat Tail Scorpion.

Death Stalker Scorpion: The death stalker scorpion earned its name or a reason. Its venom is extremely deadly and any ever been stung by one would of been lucky to get out alive. Although, this venom has actually been known for medical purposes. Its venom has positive uses for medical care. Studies are being done to find out its effectiveness and the long terms effect that could occur from using it. Read More about the Death Stalker Scorpion.

The three striped scorpion or the striped bark scorpion is a common scorpion found in the middle of the United States. A medium length scorpion is usually longer than 70 millimeters (around 2.75 inches), it is pale-yellow in color and can be identified by two or three dark, longitude stripes on it carapace, with a darker triangle above the ocular tubercle. Read More about the Three Striped/Striped Bark Scorpion.

The giant Arizona hairy scorpion is the one of the largest scorpions in Arizona, reaching about 6 inches in length. Their bodies are usually colored brown with lighter yellow pinchers and legs. There name comes from the brown hairs that are all over their bodies. Those hairs are used to detect air and ground vibrations. They have a long tail tipped with a bulb of poison and stinger with great big pinchers and 4 pairs of legs. Read More about the Arizona Hairy Scorpion.

Having scorpion infestation problems? Happen to live in the Scottsdale, AZ area? Call our Scottsdale Scorpion Removal Team today!!!

A Bee & Pest Pro is a Professional exterminating company, Scottsdale pest control, Scorpion prevention, Rodent removal. A Bee & Pest Pro provides monthly pest control services and emergency bee removal in the following zip codes:
SCOTTSDALE, AZ – 85255, 85262, 85266, 85260, 85259, 85258, 85054
NORTH PHOENIX, AZ – 85050, 85054, 85018
CAREFREE, AZ – 85377
CAVE CREEK, AZ – 85331
A Bee & Pest Pro is a Professional exterminating company in Scottsdale AZ. A Bee & Pest Pro provides monthly pest control services and emergency bee removal in Scottsdale Arizona.
E Raintree Drive
Scottsdale, AZ 85255
Jason Henderson
Owner/ Operator
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